What’s The Best Satellite Dish To Use In Coastal Areas
The Coast of Ireland is beautiful. This observation is made whilst meandering along the coastline to catch the ferry from Dun Laoghaire to Holyhead. The houses with the sea view are enviously glinting in the sun and the reflection leads the eye to the amount of ailing satellite dishes that are teetering precariously from their brackets’ due to the rust caused by the corrosion of the salt air.
In a conversation with one of the residents it turns out that this is an ongoing problem. A satellite dish is made to withstand all sorts of weather conditions but have the manufacturers taken in to account the communities that are exposed to the conditions of the sometimes calm but off times turbulent seas? The brackets and arms for the satellite dish are the main cause for concern as they tend to rust easily in the salt air and as well as looking worn and ugly they are susceptible to wear and tear which can prove costly for the owner. Plastic appears to be the way to go with this and will eliminate the fragility of the satellite dish as they prolong the longevity of the Satellite equipment.
On researching the types of dishes available for satellite receivers to operate with, a standout with regards to the corrosion caused by living in a marine environment is the Smart Electronic Satellite Dish & Wall Bracket.
The reason for this is that the fixtures are plastic and able to withstand the wear and tear associated with the sea air. Along with a solid 80cm satellite dish, the package includes a plastic feed arm and LNB holder and a plastic dish bracket. It also comes in a 60cm size however the larger size can transfer a higher signal gain to your satellite receiver.
Sea front communities are in need of a greater variety of products that eliminate the short life span of a satellite dish due to this corrosive salt air. Apart from the Smart 80cm Satellite dish the choice is quite limited and it’s a simple matter to provide more material options for satellite fixtures such as plastic. The quality of the signal to the satellite receiver is maintained and the life of the satellite dish is prolonged and the residents still get to enjoy the beautiful scenic views that are a daily pleasure when living by the sea!